Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday, September 5th

Yayy Yayy Yayy, You come home today! Yayy Yayy Yayy, You come home today!

Oh my god, I remember when we thought this day would never come. I'm only half surprised Olga isn't making you come in to work when you get home.

Well, the pooch and I can't wait for your arrival. Last night we played our softball game, my first one for the fall season. It was a good game, we all played really well. I had some great hits, but in the end we lost by one run! It was disappointing! Even more disappointing? Our damn Redskins. I really hope they get it together because we have a tough schedule coming up and we can't play like we did today. I thought I liked Jason Campbell but I'm starting to rethink things. He waits too long to throw the ball and I'm surprised he doesn't get sacked every time. Pretty soon his guys are not going to be able to hold the other team off and he's going to get hurt. Go Colt, Go.

Anyway, I wasn't going to stay at the pub for the whole game but it went by so quickly that I did. I was home before 10pm! The pooch and I hung out for a little while then headed off to bed.

So bad news, Dad has cancelled the LP party. Apparently the remnants of Hanna are going to hit us tomorrow bringing us heavy rain and wind gusts up to 79mph! Dad was willing to have the party with just rain, he had planned for a tent and everything. But, with the wind, the guy that was going to deliver the tent said hat he wouldn't do it. So, waaa waaa WAAAAA! We discussed possibly getting together anyway tomorrow to do something inside. Perhaps make reservations at La Canella or even just go to Famous Dave's for some grub. We'll see. We have two other invitations on the radar that I declined but if we feel like it we can attend. Obviously if the weather is bad we won't want to do any of it. (Kari's going away party and Krisha is having a birthday "cook-out" for Jay).

So, yes, the weather is supposed to be bad tomorrow, there is a chance that it will miss us all together, but today my dear, it's gonna be a scorcher! It's already pretty muggy and warm out. And even Sunday is supposed to be nice.

I'm going to let the pooch out and get ready to go to the office for a little bit, then...we'll be seeing you at the airport. WE CAN'T WAIT BABE!!!!

Safe travels, see you around 2pm!

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