Monday, September 1, 2008

Monday, September 1st

Can you believe that it's September already? I woke up this morning and just sat on the couch looking out the front window and thought, just a minute ago it was memorial day and here it is, Labor day. How did the time go by so fast? I feel like we didn't even get to enjoy the summer and it's over. It makes me sad, but what are you gonna do right?

So today was quite uneventful in comparison to the past few days! We got up to another beautiful morning and I had every intention of taking Lucy for a nice long walk, then I started reading. Then I made breakfast. Then it was noon and getting hotter and hotter.

Duke and Patty came by for a nice little play. I stopped by the Craver's house a little while later to drop off a cd that Patty asked to borrow and they invited me over for dinner again, which was very sweet, but I told them that I wasn't sure what I was up to yet so they said to play it by ear and if I'm around to just come on by. They were making beer butt chicken! YUM. They are so sweet.

Then, of course, you know that Lucy and I went to show the Gallatin House. I was going to leave the pooch at home but then last minute decided that I'd prefer her company, and worst case scenario, I could leave her in the car since I was sure it wouldn't take long. So, the pooch came along, and I'm glad she did!

I was surprised to see that the "for sale" sign was not out front of the house when I got there. But the agent and the potential buyers were. This is not toward you daddy, you know that you are just the only one I can express this to, if that sign is not back up by tomorrow, I will be by there to put one up myself, and I will be driving by, with a sign in my car to check. Believe that.

Anyway, the agent was very nice, as were the buyers. It was an Asian woman, what appeared to be a hispanic man and their baby. They all seemed nice and thanked me for coming to meet them. I asked if they preferred to walk around alone or with me and they said they'd make their way alone. I told them to holler if they needed anything and they did. They seemed to like the house but weren't jumping off the walls. I couldn't really read them but like I said, they seemed nice and they asked a few questions here and there that I thankfully could answer.

Lucy and I left there and came home. It was about 4pm or so when we got here. We chilled outside a little and I decided that we'd probably go for a walk around 6/7pm when it cooled down a little. Well, then Dad called to see if we wanted to come over and get some sea food.

Rita was having a little cookout with some friends in the back yard so Nay and I went to pick up the crabs, mussels and shrimp from In and Out, then we went to Popeye's and got some chicken. I saw Roberto, the owner of Olazzo in there, isnt' that funny? Seems odd to see a restaurant owner in a fast food joint but hey, goes to show that we all love us some fried chicken every now and then!

Anyway, I brought tomatoes and basil from the garden and some mozzarella cheese and made a salad, Irene and Edgar came over and brought rice and VWA LA (I know that's not how you spell it, but I'm not French DAMMIT) We had a feast! The food was all great and everyone raved at how tasty the crabs were! Dad, Edgar, Irene and I all ate crabs while Pokey, Nay, Tori and Craig just noshed on the food and some shrimp. We had some laughs and all just hung out and talked.

After dinner Pokes and Tori went to the store to get desert. They came back with a freakin sunday bar! OH. MY. GOD! There was ice cream, peanuts, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, Reddi wip, Cool whip, brownies, bananas...Needless to say, I was ready to roll on out of there. I still feel like ass to be quite honest with you. I ate so much, but it was SO GOOD!

Oh, and get this! Nay found two staples still in her head. SO, the doctors left two of them in her head, meaning she has to go get them taken out now. Poor thing. She's so scared and nervous. She's going to try and get a doctor's appt tomorrow to get them taken out. I'll let you know what happens.

Lucy and Blue played and enjoyed each other's company. It was cute. And now, almost cuter than ever, Lucy is asleep on the couch next to me with her head on my lap. I feel like I can't move. Well, I can't really! So, I'm watching Big Brother while the pooch snores. I would rather be only one other place than where I am now, and that's with you. Otherwise, I'm in the best place on earth!

Tomorrow it's back to work and I am not happy about that. I kind of messed up our blog posting process by posting the day of so I'll try to get back on track tomorrow. We love you daddy. Oh and the pooch's cut is miraculously better! That spray is a life saver and appears to be doing the trick. Pooch isn't even licking at it anymore. Yayyy!

I need to remind you to please call your dad for me. I'd really like to get on track to apply for our building permit this week. Thanks so much love of my life. Please call us when you can, keep your head up and know that we love you more than anything!

No good pic's from today so here is something almost better:





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