Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday, September 3rd

Well, when I got home last night, I was pleasantly surprised to find that not only had Lucy been a good pooch and not eaten anything in the bathroom or my room, she didn't appear to have licked her cut. What a good baby we have! She's becoming such a good pooch!

I had a message on my cell phone from the animal hospital checking to make sure that Lucy was doing okay and I thought that was really nice. Although I sat there for hours on end, I'm really glad I took her there. Everyone was so nice and caring and it really made me feel good to know she was being taken care of!

We chilled out in the back yard for a little while. I swear, the freakin deck looks like I've never swept it. It's infuriating! Then I put Lucy on her run while I took the trash and recycling out and watered the garden. Our weirdo next door neighbor comes walking up with a suit on from the Crestmoor area and waves and says hello. He completely took me off guard. WTF? does he take the bus some times? Is he out of gas? I was baffled. I barely even registered it was him, I just waved and grinned until I realized it was him and then thought, wait, I hate you, I'm not supposed to be nice to you. Then, Lucy took over and barked at him like she was a mad dog! I wanted so bad to say something like, she only barks at you guys, or, if you just let her sniff your dog she'll be fine, or, hey, your dumb whore wife called Animal Control on us, did you know that? But, I couldn't get anything out. I just played with the pooch and the newest toy I bought her over the weekend...

Picture 24.png

I spent some quality time reading, I basically read half a book. I actually wanted to dislike this book and once again, it's a good one. At least so far. I laid on the couch wallowing in my crampy belly aches with some Advil and red wine while the pooch gnawed on some bones. Then, as the Republican convention came on, I was happy to turn on the dvr to watch something more interesting, BIG BROTHER! I am rooting for Renny now. She's the last person that I would actually root for but I have a feeling she'll be gone by the end of the week. Waa waaa WAAAA. I hate all of these people. Can you believe that Memphis is still in this? He wears freakin V-neck shirts. EVERY SHIRT HE OWN IS A V-NECK! What a tool bag. And today Sharon told me that her and Mike call Jerry "Gary the Retard" OMG, I almost fell out. He really does sound like him! HONK!

Anyway, I made myself a yummy BLT with tomatoes from our garden and added basil instead of lettuce. I thought of you as I sloshed on the remoulade! It was so tasty and of course I made the pooch two slices of turkey bacon all for her. She's so spoiled it's pathetic.

We made it an early night and hunkered down in bed around 11pm or so. I wanted to make sure I could get up early to take pooch for a walk. Those morning walks are so refreshing for her and I both. And, it's been so mild and cool out in the mornings it's just worth it. Plus, after getting the bad time I decided that it's back to the diet. No more eating for me unless is absolutely necessary. I'm getting fat and I will have none of it! I made a list of places for us to start swimming when you come home and I'm really excited about it. None of them look too extremely expensive and none are too far from home. Next on the agenda, a place to do yoga - actually, if I'm not mistaken, I think Fairland has a pool-yoga class! That could be fun and kill two birds with one stone. Anyway, can't wait to explore when you get home which is in 2 days daddy!!! I can't believe it. The pooch is going to be so excited to see you. Almost as much as me!

Well, this morning when the alarm went off, pooch and I both looked at the clock and said, "NO WAY!" We both went back to sleep for a while and neither of us wanted to get up. We slept until about 7:45am or so and then I decided I better spend some quality time with her since we weren't going for a walk. We chilled out back. I swept the deck, don't ask me why, I think it's just theraputic at this point because it doesn't make a lick of difference when I do it.

I started thinking about our loan, etc. and, can't we just go to the bank and ask for a loan? I called my mom to ask her and she said absolutely. SO, I'm just going to contact Bank Of America and do it that way. I mean, why deal with a bunch of donkeys? I have been a BOA customer since day one and have a good track record, I think. I'm going to see if we can go about it that way.

Nay got her staples out of her head. She said it didn't hurt, just a little uncomfortable, but it was quick. I need to get my hair done and asked her if she didn't want me to go to Mike. She said that they're okay right now and that it was fine to go to him but I told her that if in the future things changed, I would be happy to not go to him anymore. I mean, my sister is more important to me than my hair dresser, you know?

Okay, I gotta get to work. The freakin pain in my arse is hovering and I want to smack her with my stapler.

We love you daddy!

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