Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday, September 5th

Yayy Yayy Yayy, You come home today! Yayy Yayy Yayy, You come home today!

Oh my god, I remember when we thought this day would never come. I'm only half surprised Olga isn't making you come in to work when you get home.

Well, the pooch and I can't wait for your arrival. Last night we played our softball game, my first one for the fall season. It was a good game, we all played really well. I had some great hits, but in the end we lost by one run! It was disappointing! Even more disappointing? Our damn Redskins. I really hope they get it together because we have a tough schedule coming up and we can't play like we did today. I thought I liked Jason Campbell but I'm starting to rethink things. He waits too long to throw the ball and I'm surprised he doesn't get sacked every time. Pretty soon his guys are not going to be able to hold the other team off and he's going to get hurt. Go Colt, Go.

Anyway, I wasn't going to stay at the pub for the whole game but it went by so quickly that I did. I was home before 10pm! The pooch and I hung out for a little while then headed off to bed.

So bad news, Dad has cancelled the LP party. Apparently the remnants of Hanna are going to hit us tomorrow bringing us heavy rain and wind gusts up to 79mph! Dad was willing to have the party with just rain, he had planned for a tent and everything. But, with the wind, the guy that was going to deliver the tent said hat he wouldn't do it. So, waaa waaa WAAAAA! We discussed possibly getting together anyway tomorrow to do something inside. Perhaps make reservations at La Canella or even just go to Famous Dave's for some grub. We'll see. We have two other invitations on the radar that I declined but if we feel like it we can attend. Obviously if the weather is bad we won't want to do any of it. (Kari's going away party and Krisha is having a birthday "cook-out" for Jay).

So, yes, the weather is supposed to be bad tomorrow, there is a chance that it will miss us all together, but today my dear, it's gonna be a scorcher! It's already pretty muggy and warm out. And even Sunday is supposed to be nice.

I'm going to let the pooch out and get ready to go to the office for a little bit, then...we'll be seeing you at the airport. WE CAN'T WAIT BABE!!!!

Safe travels, see you around 2pm!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thursday, September 4th

So, I skipped out of work a tad early yesterday. Right around 5pm or so, and headed home to the pooch. She was waiting happily for me like a good girl when I got there. I had about 60 or so pages left in the book I was reading and I just couldn't put it down. I needed to get it done. So, I opened up the back door with a promise to the pooch that we would go for a walk as soon as I was done. She went out and entertained herself briefly, but not getting attention from mama was driving her nuts. I tried to sit outside and read but the damned mosquitos were killing me, so I had to head back in.

I finally finished the book around 7:30 or so and was surprised to see how dark it had gotten already. A sure sign that fall is on it's way...Anyway, as I was reading, I got my walking clothes on, I got my shoes on, etc, etc. We finally headed out on a really long walk. It was nice. By the time we got home it was really dark, but it was a really nice evening and it was good for both of us. It tuckered our little pooch out.

I knew I should eat dinner but I just wasn't hungry. I started eating some left over crabs but they just weren't hitting the spot. I don't know what it is daddy but nothing is good without you here. The wine just isn't that tasty, dinner doesn't seem interesting, I keep TRYING to make coffee in the mornings and have yet to really enjoy a batch. We need you home and we're counting the minutes!

So, we just hung around, I happened to accidentally switch the television onto the convention and decided that I hate Palin. I won't go on. You know how I feel.

We watched the beginning of Jimmy then went off to sleepy land.

We got up around 7am today and I decided we would go for another good walk. My softball game is at 6:15 tonight and then the Skins game is on so I need to wear the pooch out to buy myself some extra time out tonight.

We made a huge circle around the hood. We went right out of our house, crossed Crestmoor, left onto Pierce, left onto Lorain all the way down to the path, then back up the street to or casa. On the walk we ran into a few friends. The two hound dogs that are usually inside their gate, Charlie the labradoodle that lives on our street and the golden that likes to pee on Lucy. No major plays but a good walk indeed. Here's a shot of Lucy doing her thing:


I came home also thanking god that I am always a little overly prepared with the bags. Our little pooper took 2 shits while out on our walk! I vowed that I will never go out again with less than 4 bags, just to be safe. God I was seriously walking home with 2 pounds of poop. FUN!

We ran into Marina's friend and her two kids walking up the street to the bus stop. Her kids were so cute and loved our Lucy. I had to kind of hold her down so they could pet her. I intercepted a few crazy Lucy jumps but was too slow on the last one and she gave the little girl a full fledged pounce. Ugghh, I felt horrible. The kid didn't cry but she definitely felt Lucy's power and she was a little stunned. Thankfully Lucy didn't get her in the face or anything. The mom was super nice and said they were used to dogs, blah, blah, blah. So, I apologized and kind of scooted up ahead of them. When they passed the house, spirits were back to normal and I told the little girl that Lucy apologizes for jumping on her, that she was just excited to meet her, and she responded by saying, "woof, woof"! It was very cute. The mom said, does that mean it's okay, and the girl said, "yes, woof"! Kids...

Anyway, we got back home after about an hour walk so I could get ready for work. As imagined the pooch was worn out. and I got some cute shots of her on the couch, chillin.



I headed into work and I plan to come home at lunch to see pooch so that I can head straight to the game from my office. I also left my softball clothes at home to ensure I make it home. I've resorted to blackmailing myself!

Anyway, so I'm on my way in, I get to the circle on Western, which I hate, and I literally came inches from getting into a serious accident. I'm talking blood rushed to my feet, shaking, car stopped in the middle of the road to get my bearings!

I don't know what it is about that circle, but people DO NOT know how to drive through it. I would admit if I was negligent, you know that, but I know how to drive and I am always aware there because of the sheer knowledge at how poorly people navigate through it. Anyway, so I wait until there is almost no one in the circle, because I don't like to deal with it. There is a white mercedes coming and it's in the inner most lane - closest to the grass, so, one would assume that the car is not going to cut across all lanes to get onto Connecticut, right? Well, I pull out, in the outer most lane, because I am going to turn right soon to continue onto Western.

So, I pull out and I've almost cleared Connecticut Avenue when the Mercedes cuts clear across me to get onto Connecticut. I swear my breaks shook. My wheels squealed. There may have been room for a hair to squeeze between the two cars. And the Mercedes just kept on going. I mean, it was to the point where there wasn't even a lane in front of me where the mercedes was driving. I had almost passed Connecticut at this point. Anyway, I just sat there, stunned for a moment, in the middle of the road. I was scared, pissed, I wanted to run after the Mercedes asshole and just haul off and punch them. But instead, I headed on my way and into work.

Not a fun way to start the day. I am seriously considering not coming in that way anymore. I would rahter go up a street and hit a light or two than deal with that shit. I bet, if you sat at that circle for about 10 minutes, you'd hear no less than 100 beeps from car horns. I don't get why people don't understand the dynamic of that circle but they don't. And it's not going to change.

So, here I sit, safe and sound at work. I'm going home at lunch then heading to the game around 5:30 or so. I assume I'll watch at least half of the game at the pub, but I don't want to sit out all night long - we'll see what happens and how well the beer and car bombs go down. Plus, who knows how the Skins will look. I pray they don't get demolished.

We miss you daddy and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!! I leave you with a picture of pooch, wishing you were next to her on the couch snuggling:


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday, September 3rd

Well, when I got home last night, I was pleasantly surprised to find that not only had Lucy been a good pooch and not eaten anything in the bathroom or my room, she didn't appear to have licked her cut. What a good baby we have! She's becoming such a good pooch!

I had a message on my cell phone from the animal hospital checking to make sure that Lucy was doing okay and I thought that was really nice. Although I sat there for hours on end, I'm really glad I took her there. Everyone was so nice and caring and it really made me feel good to know she was being taken care of!

We chilled out in the back yard for a little while. I swear, the freakin deck looks like I've never swept it. It's infuriating! Then I put Lucy on her run while I took the trash and recycling out and watered the garden. Our weirdo next door neighbor comes walking up with a suit on from the Crestmoor area and waves and says hello. He completely took me off guard. WTF? does he take the bus some times? Is he out of gas? I was baffled. I barely even registered it was him, I just waved and grinned until I realized it was him and then thought, wait, I hate you, I'm not supposed to be nice to you. Then, Lucy took over and barked at him like she was a mad dog! I wanted so bad to say something like, she only barks at you guys, or, if you just let her sniff your dog she'll be fine, or, hey, your dumb whore wife called Animal Control on us, did you know that? But, I couldn't get anything out. I just played with the pooch and the newest toy I bought her over the weekend...

Picture 24.png

I spent some quality time reading, I basically read half a book. I actually wanted to dislike this book and once again, it's a good one. At least so far. I laid on the couch wallowing in my crampy belly aches with some Advil and red wine while the pooch gnawed on some bones. Then, as the Republican convention came on, I was happy to turn on the dvr to watch something more interesting, BIG BROTHER! I am rooting for Renny now. She's the last person that I would actually root for but I have a feeling she'll be gone by the end of the week. Waa waaa WAAAA. I hate all of these people. Can you believe that Memphis is still in this? He wears freakin V-neck shirts. EVERY SHIRT HE OWN IS A V-NECK! What a tool bag. And today Sharon told me that her and Mike call Jerry "Gary the Retard" OMG, I almost fell out. He really does sound like him! HONK!

Anyway, I made myself a yummy BLT with tomatoes from our garden and added basil instead of lettuce. I thought of you as I sloshed on the remoulade! It was so tasty and of course I made the pooch two slices of turkey bacon all for her. She's so spoiled it's pathetic.

We made it an early night and hunkered down in bed around 11pm or so. I wanted to make sure I could get up early to take pooch for a walk. Those morning walks are so refreshing for her and I both. And, it's been so mild and cool out in the mornings it's just worth it. Plus, after getting the bad time I decided that it's back to the diet. No more eating for me unless is absolutely necessary. I'm getting fat and I will have none of it! I made a list of places for us to start swimming when you come home and I'm really excited about it. None of them look too extremely expensive and none are too far from home. Next on the agenda, a place to do yoga - actually, if I'm not mistaken, I think Fairland has a pool-yoga class! That could be fun and kill two birds with one stone. Anyway, can't wait to explore when you get home which is in 2 days daddy!!! I can't believe it. The pooch is going to be so excited to see you. Almost as much as me!

Well, this morning when the alarm went off, pooch and I both looked at the clock and said, "NO WAY!" We both went back to sleep for a while and neither of us wanted to get up. We slept until about 7:45am or so and then I decided I better spend some quality time with her since we weren't going for a walk. We chilled out back. I swept the deck, don't ask me why, I think it's just theraputic at this point because it doesn't make a lick of difference when I do it.

I started thinking about our loan, etc. and, can't we just go to the bank and ask for a loan? I called my mom to ask her and she said absolutely. SO, I'm just going to contact Bank Of America and do it that way. I mean, why deal with a bunch of donkeys? I have been a BOA customer since day one and have a good track record, I think. I'm going to see if we can go about it that way.

Nay got her staples out of her head. She said it didn't hurt, just a little uncomfortable, but it was quick. I need to get my hair done and asked her if she didn't want me to go to Mike. She said that they're okay right now and that it was fine to go to him but I told her that if in the future things changed, I would be happy to not go to him anymore. I mean, my sister is more important to me than my hair dresser, you know?

Okay, I gotta get to work. The freakin pain in my arse is hovering and I want to smack her with my stapler.

We love you daddy!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday, September 2nd

Just writing "September" is killing me right now. Do you know that I didn't even get a tan this summer? I hope the weather's nice when we go to Florida in November so we can lay on the beach! My body is suffering from lackoftaninitous.

So, last night the pooch and I slept great and we snuggled away. She woke me up all growly at about twenty after six or so and I had to keep shushing her because there wasn't a chance on earth I was getting up then! I did however set the alarm clock to about 7am so we could go for a walk before I got ready for work.

We got up at about ten after or so, I got myself ready and we headed out. We ran into Jessica and Henry about 5 minutes into our walk and they invited us to come play in their front yard. Lucy and Henry played so well. Jessica told me that they were learning the sex of their baby today so I told her to let us know what they find out. She looks so cute and she said she's feeling better now.

After our play, Lucy and I headed down their street to continue our walk. I figured we'd just make our way around the block since the play really tuckered her out. We were in a yard a few houses down from Henry's and some old bag called out her screen door, "Ma'am, I don't want your dog in my yard, please get him off of it". I yelled back, "Old lady, we don't want you in our neighborhood but there's not too much we can do about it, is there?". JUST KIDDING. I moved Lucy off her stoopid lawn and we moved on.

When we got down to the bottom of the hill Lucy proceeded to take a dump way back in the ivy by that empty lot - you know, where that one house sits all alone and that empty lot is? Right after the actual house that looks lived in is a patch of ivy covered by a few bushes or trees, who knows. Anyway, Lucy scurried her way in there and there wasn't a chance I was crawling in there to find her treasures, SO, I left it. Yes, mama didn't pick up the poop! ha ha. I was just praying that no one was watching us, even though they probably wouldn't even know that she had just gone.

We got home, or just about. Steve from across the street witnessed Lucy almost drag me across the lawn to bark at the neighbor's dog who was barking his face off in their front window. I literally had to hold on with two hands to keep control. It probably looked hilarious! I wanted to kill her.

I have been leaving the bathroom door open and today I left my bedroom door open too when I left. Lucy is pretty much past her chewing phase and I don't leave anything on the floor that she can destroy, so why not give her some more freedom in the house, you know? I also didn't put the e-collar on Lucy so I'm praying that she doesn't lick her cut raw again. If so, we're back to square one and that would suck because that damn spray is actually working. We'll see when I get home.

Anyway, we miss you daddy. 3 days to go, WOO HOO! Call us later. More to come...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Monday, September 1st

Can you believe that it's September already? I woke up this morning and just sat on the couch looking out the front window and thought, just a minute ago it was memorial day and here it is, Labor day. How did the time go by so fast? I feel like we didn't even get to enjoy the summer and it's over. It makes me sad, but what are you gonna do right?

So today was quite uneventful in comparison to the past few days! We got up to another beautiful morning and I had every intention of taking Lucy for a nice long walk, then I started reading. Then I made breakfast. Then it was noon and getting hotter and hotter.

Duke and Patty came by for a nice little play. I stopped by the Craver's house a little while later to drop off a cd that Patty asked to borrow and they invited me over for dinner again, which was very sweet, but I told them that I wasn't sure what I was up to yet so they said to play it by ear and if I'm around to just come on by. They were making beer butt chicken! YUM. They are so sweet.

Then, of course, you know that Lucy and I went to show the Gallatin House. I was going to leave the pooch at home but then last minute decided that I'd prefer her company, and worst case scenario, I could leave her in the car since I was sure it wouldn't take long. So, the pooch came along, and I'm glad she did!

I was surprised to see that the "for sale" sign was not out front of the house when I got there. But the agent and the potential buyers were. This is not toward you daddy, you know that you are just the only one I can express this to, if that sign is not back up by tomorrow, I will be by there to put one up myself, and I will be driving by, with a sign in my car to check. Believe that.

Anyway, the agent was very nice, as were the buyers. It was an Asian woman, what appeared to be a hispanic man and their baby. They all seemed nice and thanked me for coming to meet them. I asked if they preferred to walk around alone or with me and they said they'd make their way alone. I told them to holler if they needed anything and they did. They seemed to like the house but weren't jumping off the walls. I couldn't really read them but like I said, they seemed nice and they asked a few questions here and there that I thankfully could answer.

Lucy and I left there and came home. It was about 4pm or so when we got here. We chilled outside a little and I decided that we'd probably go for a walk around 6/7pm when it cooled down a little. Well, then Dad called to see if we wanted to come over and get some sea food.

Rita was having a little cookout with some friends in the back yard so Nay and I went to pick up the crabs, mussels and shrimp from In and Out, then we went to Popeye's and got some chicken. I saw Roberto, the owner of Olazzo in there, isnt' that funny? Seems odd to see a restaurant owner in a fast food joint but hey, goes to show that we all love us some fried chicken every now and then!

Anyway, I brought tomatoes and basil from the garden and some mozzarella cheese and made a salad, Irene and Edgar came over and brought rice and VWA LA (I know that's not how you spell it, but I'm not French DAMMIT) We had a feast! The food was all great and everyone raved at how tasty the crabs were! Dad, Edgar, Irene and I all ate crabs while Pokey, Nay, Tori and Craig just noshed on the food and some shrimp. We had some laughs and all just hung out and talked.

After dinner Pokes and Tori went to the store to get desert. They came back with a freakin sunday bar! OH. MY. GOD! There was ice cream, peanuts, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, Reddi wip, Cool whip, brownies, bananas...Needless to say, I was ready to roll on out of there. I still feel like ass to be quite honest with you. I ate so much, but it was SO GOOD!

Oh, and get this! Nay found two staples still in her head. SO, the doctors left two of them in her head, meaning she has to go get them taken out now. Poor thing. She's so scared and nervous. She's going to try and get a doctor's appt tomorrow to get them taken out. I'll let you know what happens.

Lucy and Blue played and enjoyed each other's company. It was cute. And now, almost cuter than ever, Lucy is asleep on the couch next to me with her head on my lap. I feel like I can't move. Well, I can't really! So, I'm watching Big Brother while the pooch snores. I would rather be only one other place than where I am now, and that's with you. Otherwise, I'm in the best place on earth!

Tomorrow it's back to work and I am not happy about that. I kind of messed up our blog posting process by posting the day of so I'll try to get back on track tomorrow. We love you daddy. Oh and the pooch's cut is miraculously better! That spray is a life saver and appears to be doing the trick. Pooch isn't even licking at it anymore. Yayyy!

I need to remind you to please call your dad for me. I'd really like to get on track to apply for our building permit this week. Thanks so much love of my life. Please call us when you can, keep your head up and know that we love you more than anything!

No good pic's from today so here is something almost better:





Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday, August 31st

Well, the day started out pretty well. We actually slept in today. The pooch wasn't bugging me to get up early and we just stayed in bed until about 10:30 or so! It felt good. The weather was perfect outside. We went out back and I swept the deck for the 659th time, and within the hour it looked exactly the same. Woo hoo!

Then, and you know this story, on one of her jaunts in and out the back door, Lucy came back in and planted herself on your chair. She was laying with her head on the pillow and when I looked over at her it seemed like her face was squished against the pillow. But then she lifted her head and her face was still squished! I thought I was seeing things. Was our babies face really swollen? I went over to touch it and look at it and it made me a little nervous but I didn't think too, too much about it. Then I called the emergency hospital and they scared the bajeezus out of me. They told me to come in immediately, that this was an allergic reaction to something and could potentially spread to the rest of her face or head. I called you, I changed into some normal clothing, I got the pooch together and we took off. I was a little freaked out daddy!

I took a few pictures of our Lucy before we took off, here they are:




The swelling thankfully went down a little by the time we got to the hospital but it was still there and they still wanted to check her out. 4 hours and $150 later we left. Lucy "may" have been stung by a bee or something. They gave her a shot of Benadryl and I went home with a steroid spray for her cut. I was exhausted, so sad I had to spend the whole day without her, and tired of sitting!

I got home around 5:15pm or so and Andrea's soccer game was scheduled for 6pm. There was no way I was going to be there early or on time for that matter. I chilled with pooch for a little bit then I sprayed her cut and covered her up with a sock wrapped with, of all things, duct tape! But it worked. I ended up getting to Andrea's game at about 6:15 or so. The majority of our family was there, which was nice, and about 3 minutes after I sat down, Andrea was warming up to go into the game! How awesome is that? Here are a couple of shots (she's # 12):



MD played really well, they were very aggressive. BUT Elon really held them defensively and luckily for them, scored the only goal beating Maryland 1 - 0. I was rooting for Andrea but I couldn't bring myself to root for Elon over MD. I'm a terp for life daddy, I can't be a traitor to my alma mater! After the game I headed home to hang with pooch for a little while. She was really messing with her sock so I decided she had to put the collar back on when I went out. Steve came over for a few then we headed to Bethesda to see Pineapple Express. It was pretty damn funny, but not over the top. The first half of the movie got lots of out loud laughs, but it was a damn long movie. It was 2 hours long! That's a lot of weed humor and unbelievable plot lines, but we got through it.

Anyway, afterward I was happy to just get home to pooch. I didn't even bother turning the tv on in the living room. I gave her a bone and a treat, then we came into the room. I am currently updating the blog on our bed and the pooch has finished her bone and is OUT! Snores and all...And now daddy, I will be hitting the hay.

Lucy and I are sad that you've had a shitty day but guess what? We love you and we're thinking of you and we're your biggest fans. You are our rock star and your strength inspires us every day. We can't do life without you and we need you to continue to be strong and keep showing what an asset you are to your office. Get it done daddy, keep your head up and then get your buns home to us! Before we all know it, you'll be home. We can't WAIT. Other than the L.P. party next Saturday, we have no plans and I intend to keep it that way. When you get home next weekend we're doing lots of poopie/pooch time. Just the three of us, 24/7 babe!

WE LOVE YOU! more tomorrow...

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday, August 30th

So last night I tried my hand at the Loco Moco and it turned out lovely, but I think it needs some work. I will tweak it and then make it again for us! (A not that appealing picture is below). Lucy and I basically just chilled last night but didn't go to be until about 1am.


At 8:30am Lucy decided she was ready to go out. Ugghh, I did not want to get out of bed, but somehow I heard her and took her out. Well, opened the back door for her then fell right back into bed. As you know, I called Dr. Krishna's office to check in. Well, when she called me back she told me that I needed to come in to have Lucy fitted for an Elizabethan Collar because the cut can not stay covered up. It needs air to heal and she can not keep licking it.

So, I got in the car with the pooch and we headed on down to the animal hospital. Once there, they put the collar on her and off we went. We also noticed that her leash was literally on it's last thread. How it happened, I have no idea, but it's a good thing we caught it b/c if it snapped on a walk I would have been screwed! Anyway, Dad and Pokes had called while I was on my way there to see if I wanted to meet at Red Dog Cafe, and of course I said yes, so that's where we headed.

Poor little pooch chilled for a while in her collar but she was panting a lot and I was so sad for her that I took it off. I am such a push over! Dad and Mom and Pokes showed up, then Rita and Nay came. As I was sitting there, Steve texted me that we should go to Parkway Deli and then Costco today and so I sent him a note back telling him to meet us as Red Dog so he did.





I got the amazing french toast, along with almost everyone else. I also ordered a side order of bacon for the pooch. She was so happy. And she was pretty good. Even though it did get very, very hot. It was overcast and a tad muggy when we had left the house, but by now it was sunny and muggy and HOT!

After brunch Steve and I headed back to our house to drop off pooch, put her collar on and head to Costco.


I ended up spending $225 and I went to get gas! I ended up buying some books a few things for us when it's time to pack up, ravioli and some tailgating supplies for us and then I got some Christmas gifts. It was great. I got something for you and for my dad. I also got gas for $3.39 a gallon! You know how mama likes to save a penny on her gas. We stopped at PetCo on the way home so I could get a new leash. I got one that kind of looks like a climbing rope. It's cool, I think you'll like it, and I think it will last. If it doesn't, we're on to a leather leash next. That may be the only thing that lasts a lifetime.

When I got home from Costco I decided our pooch needed some quality walking time, even though it was ungodly hot. I got myself together, got us some water for the walk and we set out. It was a steamer but it was good for both of us to get a nice, long walk in. Lucy was POOPED when we got home. While on our walk, Jenna called to ask if I wanted to come over for dinner, and I accepted. And I forgot that earlier today I had a nice chat with Carole and Ron and Carole was saying that she wanted to invite me over for dinner and asked how much longer it was until you returned. We got good neighbors babe! I know we know it, but it's nice gestures like this that mean so much! They are all so thoughtful and they really care about us. Everyone is always looking out for one another and it feels good.

I put Lucy's e-collar back on - I don't know why, but she's been so good for me. She basically let me put it on her!! Dinner was really nice. I brought over a bottle of white and we all drank it. Everyone asked about you and dinner conversation was very nice. Patty and Dale even told me some HILARIOUS story about the male dog sitter (I'll tell you over the phone) and told me how they kept an eye on him and her for us ;O)

It was Dale, Patty, Nicole, Vince, Justin and Annie who sat down to dinner - Jenna was babysitting. Patty made sausage and peppers that we put over noodles, broccoli and then buttered bread. It was very yummy, and so homey. I'm glad I went because for a split second I considered declining.

I didn't stay too terribly long. We ate then chatted for a while, then I came on back to pooch. I took the collar off of Lucy and decided it was time for a more humane approach. I grabbed one of your thicker dress socks, I pulled it over her leg, I taped it and then I got one of those zip ties and zip tied it to her leg like a lint trap on the hose from the washing machine and that is that! She looks like a pimp dog or something but too bad. She seems so much more comfortable and I feel so much better for her.


AND, this new set up will keep the cut from being covered up, it will get some good air, but she can't get to it to lick it. I consider this a win - win Daddy!

Anyway, we're chillin. We're home and now we plan to stay here. I think Steve and I may go catch Pineapple Express tomorrow. I'll let you know what we decide. I hope to talk to you some time tonight daddy. I miss you so much. XOXO