Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday, August 30th

So last night I tried my hand at the Loco Moco and it turned out lovely, but I think it needs some work. I will tweak it and then make it again for us! (A not that appealing picture is below). Lucy and I basically just chilled last night but didn't go to be until about 1am.


At 8:30am Lucy decided she was ready to go out. Ugghh, I did not want to get out of bed, but somehow I heard her and took her out. Well, opened the back door for her then fell right back into bed. As you know, I called Dr. Krishna's office to check in. Well, when she called me back she told me that I needed to come in to have Lucy fitted for an Elizabethan Collar because the cut can not stay covered up. It needs air to heal and she can not keep licking it.

So, I got in the car with the pooch and we headed on down to the animal hospital. Once there, they put the collar on her and off we went. We also noticed that her leash was literally on it's last thread. How it happened, I have no idea, but it's a good thing we caught it b/c if it snapped on a walk I would have been screwed! Anyway, Dad and Pokes had called while I was on my way there to see if I wanted to meet at Red Dog Cafe, and of course I said yes, so that's where we headed.

Poor little pooch chilled for a while in her collar but she was panting a lot and I was so sad for her that I took it off. I am such a push over! Dad and Mom and Pokes showed up, then Rita and Nay came. As I was sitting there, Steve texted me that we should go to Parkway Deli and then Costco today and so I sent him a note back telling him to meet us as Red Dog so he did.





I got the amazing french toast, along with almost everyone else. I also ordered a side order of bacon for the pooch. She was so happy. And she was pretty good. Even though it did get very, very hot. It was overcast and a tad muggy when we had left the house, but by now it was sunny and muggy and HOT!

After brunch Steve and I headed back to our house to drop off pooch, put her collar on and head to Costco.


I ended up spending $225 and I went to get gas! I ended up buying some books a few things for us when it's time to pack up, ravioli and some tailgating supplies for us and then I got some Christmas gifts. It was great. I got something for you and for my dad. I also got gas for $3.39 a gallon! You know how mama likes to save a penny on her gas. We stopped at PetCo on the way home so I could get a new leash. I got one that kind of looks like a climbing rope. It's cool, I think you'll like it, and I think it will last. If it doesn't, we're on to a leather leash next. That may be the only thing that lasts a lifetime.

When I got home from Costco I decided our pooch needed some quality walking time, even though it was ungodly hot. I got myself together, got us some water for the walk and we set out. It was a steamer but it was good for both of us to get a nice, long walk in. Lucy was POOPED when we got home. While on our walk, Jenna called to ask if I wanted to come over for dinner, and I accepted. And I forgot that earlier today I had a nice chat with Carole and Ron and Carole was saying that she wanted to invite me over for dinner and asked how much longer it was until you returned. We got good neighbors babe! I know we know it, but it's nice gestures like this that mean so much! They are all so thoughtful and they really care about us. Everyone is always looking out for one another and it feels good.

I put Lucy's e-collar back on - I don't know why, but she's been so good for me. She basically let me put it on her!! Dinner was really nice. I brought over a bottle of white and we all drank it. Everyone asked about you and dinner conversation was very nice. Patty and Dale even told me some HILARIOUS story about the male dog sitter (I'll tell you over the phone) and told me how they kept an eye on him and her for us ;O)

It was Dale, Patty, Nicole, Vince, Justin and Annie who sat down to dinner - Jenna was babysitting. Patty made sausage and peppers that we put over noodles, broccoli and then buttered bread. It was very yummy, and so homey. I'm glad I went because for a split second I considered declining.

I didn't stay too terribly long. We ate then chatted for a while, then I came on back to pooch. I took the collar off of Lucy and decided it was time for a more humane approach. I grabbed one of your thicker dress socks, I pulled it over her leg, I taped it and then I got one of those zip ties and zip tied it to her leg like a lint trap on the hose from the washing machine and that is that! She looks like a pimp dog or something but too bad. She seems so much more comfortable and I feel so much better for her.


AND, this new set up will keep the cut from being covered up, it will get some good air, but she can't get to it to lick it. I consider this a win - win Daddy!

Anyway, we're chillin. We're home and now we plan to stay here. I think Steve and I may go catch Pineapple Express tomorrow. I'll let you know what we decide. I hope to talk to you some time tonight daddy. I miss you so much. XOXO

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