Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saturday, August 23rd:

Well hello there Daddy. So the Pooch and I were discussing how best we could keep you abreast of our activities while you're away from us and Lucy came up with the best idea...a BLOG!

Oh I know, those damn bloggers. They're so annoying. Well, Lucy-Fer is brand new to blogging so we'll give her a pass. So, we'll start at the beginning and tell you all the tedious things that you may or may not want to know about what's going on in our world here at home.

So, as you know, grandpa picked me up with our Lucy and Blue in the car. I got some great welcome home licks and gave Lucy some good rubs. We took the pooches home and then headed to uncle Freddy's house for Rosa's Surprise 50th Birthday.

Once I decided that Adams Morgan was not going to be graced with my presence, I headed to get the pooch and returned to the party. I took some pictures while at the party and here they are:

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The food was just okay. It was catered from Hogs on the Hill on Route 1 in Beltsville. I wish I would have taken pictures of the food for you. I think you would have been amused! The ribs and the collard greens were pretty good and they made us sad because we knew you'd like them if you were there. The "mac n' cheese" was a fluorescent yellow/orange color and watery. It was very strange. I don't think there was actual cheese in it. The "red beans and rice" was just plan bleh! There was this pink color strewn about the white rice and I think I saw about 6 total red beans in it. Everyone of course asked about you and where you were and I told them all the story more than I would have liked about where you were and how long you'd be away from us.

We got home probably around 10:45/11pm or so. Pooch and I were both exhausted. The first thing I noticed was how sad and droopy all of the tomato and basil plants were. I guess it hasn't really rained since we've been away and I didn't even think to ask anyone to water for us. I watered the plants on the stoop before closing up for the night and it paid off because the basil was not droopy anymore in the morning. I was grateful for that.

The alarm was not on, much to my dad's confusion. He thought he had set it but he must not have - at least that's what I'm going to hope because I'd prefer that someone hasn't come back for any reason, you know? The stereo was on in the living room, the light and fan were on in our bedroom and the lights out back and in the basement were on. I wasn't surprised by any of that really.

It was very sad to come home without you. Pooch and I laid on the couch and snuggled up while we caught up on some of our Big Brother's from last week. Lucy is totally rooting for Renny to win it all but I'm still not sure if I can get behind any of the contestants yet.

As you know, we took some snuggly pictures last night. If you've forgotten, here they are again:

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Sunday, August 24th:

So after snuggling up last night and getting a good night's sleep - other than the fact that at one point I woke up so close to the edge of the bed I thought I was sure to fall off, that was one thing I didn't miss about sleeping in the hotel room for a week! - we woke up at about 9:15am ready to get the day started and work on all of the chores that were ahead of us!

We headed to the back yard for Lucy's first outing of the day. Much to my surprise, I learned that Fall had descended on Woodmoor, or at least onto our deck! There were more acorn than an Alvin and the Chipmunks convention!

So, as I embraced my welcome back to the neighborhood, I let Lucy roam among the deer, and yes there were some behind the fence this morning, bark to her heart's desire, and I swept the deck for what will only prove to be the first of many, many times to come I'm sure!

There have been a slew of humming birds feeding off the yummy nectar that you hooked up for them and we've been admiring them and their visits all day! We stripped the beds, gave Lucy the much needed bath, I cleaned the bathroom and washed all of the linens and then we headed to Gallatin to meet the potential buyers.

They were a nice couple who currently lives in Dupont and they are looking for more space. They seemed happy with what they saw and I'm hoping and praying that I "sold" it enough for them to want to put in an offer! We'll see. And hey, Lucy didn't scare them off so that's a good sign.

We came home and watered the dreadful looking tomato plants. Lucy enjoyed barking her head off at the neighbor that was outside washing his stupid truck and I re-made the beds and started unpacking and doing more laundry...Lucy has been napping almost since we got home from the DC house. She has such a tough life!

I just got done doing my nails and I am very sleepy. I'm going to switch the laundry and try to take a nap myself. We miss you terribly Daddy but we hope this daily blog will help you feel closer to us.

L & B

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