Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday, August 28th

So after the morning from hell on Wednesday, the day got better. I got some things done at work and then I decided to go check out the new cupcake joint down in Dupont that Reets will soon be working at.

When I got there, there was a line out the door. HA! I was kind of excited though. I was hoping to order some mini cup cakes for the Skins game tailgate but they're not taking orders this week. Waaaa waaa waaaaaa. And they had a limit of 4 per customer for the first week. So, I was only going to get one, maybe two cupcakes but the girl behind the counter talked me into a 4 pack. It was really hard for her and she twisted my arm until I caved. It's actually good because they are not those ginormous cupcakes that some people make. They are actually "cupcake" size. Here's a shot of the cakes I ended up with:


Not a very good picture, but a picture none the less. I'll tell you what the flavors are starting from the top left and moving clockwise. First one is Triple Coconut - very yummy and not too coconutty tasting, just right. Next is 24 Carrot - now you know how I love me some carrot cake and some cream cheese icing but the icing was better than the actual cake. It was full of nuts and carrot and not my style, not moist enough, I liked the icing better. The next one is You Tart - lemon cake and lemon cream cheese icing. Oh Daddy you would have LOVED this one. It was so good. And lastly is the vegan selection of the day, I think it was a gluten free chocolate cupcake with some type of peanut butter frosting...ummm, YUM! I don't know what was cut from it or whatever but it tasted freakin DEELISH! I cut each one in four pieces and took a bite of each of them and they were all SO SO GOOD. And even Lucy got a little of the cream cheese icing, as if that surprises you. I will fo shiz be going back, especially because Rita will be working there. Check out their web site to see some of the other flavors that we will most definitely be going back for, they look so tasty, if you scroll over them they even have pictures. And guess what? They have a cupcake called LUCY! and according to Rita they are going to be coming out with cupcakes for dogs called, are you ready for this? "pup-cakes"...OH. MY. GUD! So cue! Anyway, CLICK ME for some cupcakie action!

Dinner with the ladies was great. The food was awesome and as I told you before, we HAVE to check it out together. Maybe we'll go there with Scott and Jen since that still hasn't happened. I don't care what we do as long as we go back for some yummy grub. Here are some shots of all the ladies in attendance:



Now it's about 11:30pm our time (on Wednesday when I'm typing this) and I am exhausted. I can't imagine that it has anything to do with the fact that I was up at 5am with pooch and never really went back to sleep. So, now I must retire. Looking to get up and walk pooch in the morning since it's been so mild here the last few days then head into work. I am going to the Skins game even though I wasn't really planning on it but Shaun, Lena and the kids are coming so it should be good, and we're driving in so we can leave whenever we want. That's all for now my love...Updates coming later!


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