Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday, August 25th

So last night, after Lucy decided she was done with her 15th nap of the day and mama was about 20 minutes into her first, Lucy decided to come lick mama's face off and then proceeded to take a flying leap onto my back and legs. I wanted to be mad but seriously, how could I? Welcome back to the real world and a body full of bruises.

So I thought, hmmm, what should we do for dinner? And that's when Lucy suggested getting crabs and KFC - you know, to continue with the health kick I've been on all week! I promise, it's back to the diet tomorrow!

So, we jumped in the car and headed out. We hit KFC first, where the guys and gals in the drive through got a serious kick out of the pooch hanging out of the sun roof. Next we decided to cut through my aunt Mariana's neighborhood to reach Seafood in and Out from the back way. Well, who do we run into walking their dogs, Queenie and Miele? that's right, Mariana, Roger and Tony.

We were about half a block from their house and Lucy was about to loose her you-know-what, so we went to their house and the pooches had a little play out back. They all got along really well. Especially Lucy and the puppy, she's only about 5 months old, but they played really well together and wore each other out properly!

When we got home from our outing there was a message on the home phone from dog sitter Chris. He left his work shoes here and asked that I leave them on the porch for him. I called him back to let him know that I also found a key in the back yard last night - it had a paper key chain on it with a name. He assumed that Marla lost it back there so I told him I'd put that in his shoes and leave them in the door. I thanked him for taking care of our baby and told him that I hoped she didn't drive him nuts and he said one of the nicest things. He said, "no way, we had a great time. I love that dog"! Isn't that sweet? I was so happy to hear it and he sounded like he genuinely had a blast with our Lucy. God that makes me happy!!! Because you know she had so much fun with them too.

So, of course Lucy and I shared a piece of chicken because, well...she's spoiled, in case you forgot. Then I was able to eat 3 crabs before I was stuffed to the gills. They were jumbo's and let me tell you, they didn't skimp. Check out the size of this claw:

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And here is the piece I would have fed you if you were sitting next to me.

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Lucy and I sat on the couch and watched the rest of our Big Brother episodes until we were all caught up. Then we decided to start watching The Hills. Lucy and I seriously wanted to throw up all over ourselves just admitting that we were actually watching this shite! Really, I don't know why. We just can't help ourselves sometimes. At least we know all of these people are just pathetic. We just hope that watching them doesn't make us pathetic too!

I spoke to Claire earlier and told her that Lucy and I would stop by some time tomorrow to give her big, wet, birthday kisses and she was happy to hear it. I also got a call from Cindy asking if we would be able to come over for a birthday dinner for your mom. Unfortunately, we are going to Mongolian BBQ in Bethesda for Rita's birthday dinner (make sure you call me later so I can tell you some sista drama over the phone!).

So, I told Cindy that I planned to head to your parent's house early with the pooch and she said that she planned to be there early with Griggs as well. So, we plan to see them at your parent's house around 4 tomorrow for the early celebration.

Here's what Lucy and I plan to do:

1.) I painted a picture frame and I am printing that champagne quote that I loved from Corridor 44 in Denver - don't worry, I'm gonna make myself one too once we have somewhere to put it - and I will attach a cool ribbon to hang it from.

2.) We plan to get some beautiful flowers and a card tomorrow

3.) Either a bottle of bubbly or a basket of goodies you have any other suggestions? Is there anything that your mom really loves that we could get her? Should I go to World Market and make her a basket like we did for Father's Day?

Anyway, that's all for now Daddy. We hope you had safe travels to Minneapolis, if you're there, and if not we hope you have a safe trip. Please call us once you're there. We love you, love you, love you and we'll update more later.

Lucy says "Woof" and "babadaboobadabeebada"


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