Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday, August 26th

So, where to begin? Well, I had planned to sleep in yesterday but at about 9am Lucy and I were up and about. So sad, but true. While Lucy chilled on her bed I got myself dressed and ready for our morning walk.

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We headed out and ran into Annie, her mom, little one and another friend of theirs and their child coming back from a walk. Amazingly, Annie was allowed to have a little play with Lucy. They ran laps around the two yards, played great and then Lucy took a nice little poop in their neighbor's yard! Yayyy Lucy. That's our girl! And, of course, Annie's goofy mom didn't let them play long. But, it was fine. I wanted Lucy to have a nice long walk and there was no chance of that if they continued to play. Here's our baby doing her thing in the hood:

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Lucy was pooped when we got home. I did some more stuff around the house, got through some work emails and watered the tomato plants. Then I worked on your mom's birthday presents. This is the final product. We gave her this along with the bottle of Chandon and the beautiful flowers below:


Your mom seemed to really like her gifts and we had a great visit with Griggs and the fam. Lucy and Griggs did so well together. Lucy would sniff away, lick Griggs' pigs (yes, that rhymes) and then I caught her french kissing him here and there. They both loved it!! Check out some of the shots from our visit:

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After our visit with the Rupert's we headed home to drop off the pooch. I went to meet the other fam out at Mongolian BBQ in Bethesda. We had a nice time and I gave Rita the book, the box from Cali and a $25 Visa gift card. She of course liked it all.

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AND...the best thing about the dinner is the little gift I left with just for you! I won't tell you how I got them, but I did...Aren't they cute??? They are even smaller than Coronita's! I don't even know what you'd call these. Coronita-eeta's? Look Daddy, Look!

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Anyway, we came home around 9:15 or so and I decided I would make dinner for tomorrow night's book club so that I don't have to rush tomorrow. The theme is Thai so I made yellow chicken curry with potatoes, a thai cucumber salad and when i was at Trader Joe's I came across some veggie samosas and some thai spring rolls that I'll make tomorrow before our guests arrive. If there are left overs I am going to freeze them for you so you can have some when you get home. Anyway, we love you daddy. We'll leave you with these shots of our baby, the biggest, most spoiledest pooch on earth. But damn she's cute!!!

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